Review of the movie Super trick meets super swamp: Awkward and unfinished

Duration: 112 minutes

Director: Vo Thanh Hoa

Actors: Anh Tu, Mac Van Khoa, Ngoc Phuoc, Nhat Trung


Genre: Comedy, Drama, Adventure

Premiere: March 1, 2023

Tip Review for going to the cinema to watch the early screening of the movie Super Trick meets Super Muddy because when going to see the movie Missing (2023), I happened to see the trailer of this Vietnamese movie and found it curious and interesting, and at the same time has The topic of fraud with characters with different talents is similar to the films that have achieved great success in some major cinemas in the world. The movie has the participation of some pretty hot young faces with good looks and charming comedies, so I also expected the movie to have something very interesting and that. Let’s review the movie Super Trickster Meets Super Swamp with Tip to verify the quality of the movie. Come on, let’s get started.

Plot: Khoa is an amateur fraudster and is often chased and beaten by his “victims”. By chance, Khoa met Tu – a super cheater who along with his accomplices carried out a scam. Seeing the professionalism of this team, Khoa applied to join the team to learn and help the team perform top scams. However, things are not easy when the whole team has to clash with another super cheater? What will happen to Khoa and Tu’s team? Watch the movie to get the answer.

Overall, Super Trick meets Super Swamp is a film of average quality in Vietnamese cinema with transitions and inexperienced shooting angles, not yet at cinematic level. The film’s plot is meandering, lacking the twist and appeal that a film about fraud needs to have. The feeling of watching Super Trick meets Super Muddy is like watching Now you see me shoppee version, guys, a bit boring and less impressive. The film still has many good parts, but most of them do not meet the audience’s expectations. Let’s join Tip Review to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of Super Trickster Meets Super Muddy to understand the movie better.

Plus mark:

According to Tip review, the plus point of Super Trick meets Super Muddy is the charm of the main cast in the movie. Anh Tu, Mac Van Khoa, Ngoc Phuoc and Nhat Trung interact with each other very well and naturally, bringing a pleasant feeling to the audience when watching. Besides, the film also has some relatively good flips, a bit surprising and relatively interesting for the audience. Some of the scams in Super Trick Meets Super Swamp come from reality in Vietnam, so they create closeness and familiarity with viewers.

The colors of Super Donkey Meet Super Swamp are quite eye-catching with many bright and vibrant tones. The actors’ dialogue is quite good, creating some light laughter while watching. The film advises us to restrain our greed and live a family-oriented life about the people we love. In addition, manufacturers also criticize the current situation of multi-level business chains, which appear luxurious and flashy but are actually just scams to attract chickens.

Minus point:

To find the minus point of Super Don and Super Swamp is much easier than the plus point. The most basic element is the plot, but the film builds and develops the script inappropriately, giving the feeling of being out of breath, meandering, rambling and not completely solving the problem. Many movie details are given just to increase the climax but are handled extremely quickly, unnaturally and illogically. The film’s duration is less than 2 hours, but it makes viewers feel tired, tired, and even bored because the plot lacks emphasis.


The film’s comedy bits are old and ineffective. It’s actually a bit embarrassing to say that Super Trick meets Super Muddy is a comedy because during the 120 minutes of the movie, the audience only laughs 1-2 times because the movie’s jokes are not interesting enough for viewers to watch. excited and burst out laughing. There are even many segments, Tip reviewer feels that this movie is so much like a comedy, I can’t laugh at all. The emotional element of the film is also not up to the mark, so it is difficult for the audience to sympathize with each character’s situation.
The music and effects of Super Don meets Super Swamp are not impressive enough, in which the song Call My Name, Dear Friend, really doesn’t create emotions because the relationships of the characters have not been developed seamlessly. The rough editing and transitions make everything in the movie less smooth and unattractive. The filmmakers’ ambition is relatively high when setting up many situations to open up directions for the next parts, but the effect is not really good.

The audience may wonder why the scammers in the movie have a peaceful life, whether this is promoting the problem of fraud or not? This depends on the perspective of each audience after watching and will have their own opinions. However, for Tip review, the film does not highlight the cost of greed and the characters’ motivations are not convincing enough for the audience to be immersed and satisfied with the film’s content.

Assessment scale:

IMDB: Not rated yet
Google: 75/100
Rotten Tomatoes: Not rated yet
Addictive review: 6.0/10 (Normal)
In short, Super Trick meets Super Swamp is a movie whose trailer is better than the overall movie. For easy-going audiences who need entertainment and don’t want to think too much, the movie is a quite suitable choice. The plot, editing and emotional elements are the parts that the film does not do well, so even if the main cast interacts quite well, it is difficult to save the whole film. Hopefully, if there is a sequel, Super Trick meets Super Muddy, it will shape your own style and improve the quality even more!


And you, how do you rate this movie?

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