Ninh Thuan – The beautiful Ladakh land of Vietnam

When we talk about Ninh Thuan, we often think of a dry, hot land all year round with terrible sunlight, enough to darken the skin and burn anyone who comes here. However, hidden deep beneath that harsh weather is a captivating beauty that few places in Vietnam can match. Even for a traveler who has just arrived here after a long vacation due to covid-19 quarantine, Tip review feels that this south central land has many similarities with the heavenly paradise of Ladakh in India. always. Come on, let’s explore the beauty of Ninh Thuan through the comparison article below.

1. Ninh Thuan and Ladakh are both places with very harsh weather

The harshness of the land of Ninh Thuan can be easily felt through the barrenness and desolation of the landscape and bushes along the roads that you drive through, even your friends at home just need to look at photos or videos. The video is enough to see the legendary sunshine of this place. Ninh Thuan’s wind is also super strong, continuously hitting us non-stop, helping to dispel the heat of the weather and making you more alert every time you travel.

Thanks to these extremely unique characteristics, the sun and wind of Phan Rang – Ninh Thuan will definitely make you remember forever every time you stop by. During the last 3 days and 3 nights trip to Ninh Thuan, a friend of Tip review was extremely brave when exposing all his skin to the sunlight of this land to immerse himself in the clear blue sea water at midday in the summer. sultry. As a result, at the end of the trip, her Asian nationality suddenly changed to African nationality and it is unknown when she will regain her old skin color.

As for Tip review, Ninh Thuan contains an extremely unforgettable memory. The first time I came to Ninh Thuan was 3-4 years ago, at that time I hung an unfinished bottle of corn milk on my motorbike and kept going for dozens of kilometers before stopping to rest and drink the remaining milk. unfinished. However, that intense sun damaged his milk bottle, causing Tip review to be poisoned and eventually sent to travel to the Emergency Department of Ninh Thuan Provincial General Hospital. Looking back now, I still feel scared but also very happy.

In contrast to the high heat of Ninh Thuan, Ladakh possesses an extremely uncomfortable cold. Tip review remembers the night stay at a small motel at Tso Moriri Lake, the temperature dropped below -1 degrees Celsius, and there was no electricity. After dinner, all I could do was go to bed. The 3 people lying in 1 bed still felt cold and even though I had to go to the bathroom, I didn’t dare go because the feeling of sitting down on the toilet was really numb.

2. Ninh Thuan and Ladakh both have stunningly beautiful scenery

However, don’t because of the weather problems mentioned above make you ignore the idea of traveling to these lands. The Creator is very fair in giving Ninh Thuan and Ladakh extremely majestic and captivating scenery. If in recent years, many young Vietnamese people have flocked to India to explore Ladakh, they pay little attention to traveling to Ninh Thuan even though these two destinations have many very interesting coincidences.

2.1. Ladakh has dangerous passes, Ninh Thuan has poetic coastal roads

If Ladakh has majestic and dangerous passes surrounded by white snow, Ninh Thuan possesses the most beautiful coastal roads in Vietnam. Whether you go from Vinh Hy to Binh Tien or from Phan Rang to Ca Na, you will surely be impressed by the winding roads overlooking the clear blue sea.

2.2. Ladakh has snow, Ninh Thuan also has “snow”

As mentioned above, due to its high terrain, Ladakh has a lot of snow. Ninh Thuan is the same, but the “Snow” of this land is formed from the evaporation of sea water. Having said this, you already understand the “snow” that Tip review mentioned, right? Those are salt fields in Phuoc Diem commune, Thuan Nam district, Ninh Thuan province. From a distance, these salt mounds are no different from piles of thick white snow. Very beautiful, guys.

2.3. Ladakh has vast steppes, Ninh Thuan has many steppes full of love

With its unique geographical features, Ninh Thuan possesses terrain types that are extremely different from other places in Vietnam, the most notable of which is the extremely poetic steppe terrain. You will encounter vast stretches of grassland with scattered low shrubs growing around. In the distance are dry rocky mountains and in front are sheep and horses grazing freely. If you have the opportunity, please stop by Mongolian Village – Tanyoli to witness this romantic scene.


2.4. Ladakh is famous for apples, Ninh Thuan is famous for grapes

Mentioning Ninh Thuan without mentioning grapes is probably like going to Ladakh and not enjoying apples. The vineyards in Thai An, Ninh Thuan have an extremely strong attraction, making you drive by them and be tempted to stop in to avoid the sweltering sun outside and sip the fresh fruit on the branches. The experience of eating grapes right at the vineyard and chatting with the people here is really wonderful.

2.5. Ladakh has long sandy beaches, Ninh Thuan has enchanting sand dunes

In Ninh Thuan, wherever you go you will see sand. The sparkling golden sand dunes, stretching endlessly, reminded me of the camel riding scene in the Nubra valley. If you have a hobby of taking photos in backlight, Nam Cuong Sand Dunes is definitely one of the super ideal destinations.
2.6. Ladakh has beautiful lakes, Ninh Thuan has heavenly blue beaches

As mentioned above, lakes like Tso Moriri or Pagong are symbols of Ladakh with a calm, blue lake surface all year round and covered with white snow all around. Our Ninh Thuan also possesses such blue water surfaces but with a much larger area. Those are the beaches stretching to the horizon, extremely clean and just looking at them makes you want to dive into that clear blue water. Truly, Binh Tien beach in Ninh Thuan is beautiful and extremely pleasing to the eye. Unfortunately, many projects will be implemented here in the near future, so please take the opportunity to visit this beach soon to feel the natural beauty of Binh Tien.
2.7. Ladakh has a poetic golden autumn, Ninh Thuan has a gentle golden summer

Driving along the roads passing through Ninh Thuan’s Nui Chua National Park, Tip review was overwhelmed by the diversity of plant forms here. Looking at the shrubs with natural yellow, green, and red leaves, interspersed with branches that have turned yellow due to dryness, I feel as if I am revisiting the land of Ladakh in my country. Before, I never noticed how beautiful Ninh Thuan is. There’s no need to go far, Vietnam itself has beautiful scenery, comparable to places on earth, right?

3. People in Ninh Thuan and Ladakh are very nice

Perhaps this trip to Ninh Thuan is the trip where I feel I have received the most things ever. Talking with the local aunts and uncles, I learned more about the thoughts and personalities of the people in this arid land. Everyone I interacted with and met was very cute, enthusiastic and sincere – something I also felt when I came to Ladakh – a remote, harsh place where people live together. with true love and sincerity.
What I was most happy about on this trip was getting to know Diep (5th grade) and Nguyen (3rd grade) in Vinh Hy. Even though we only talked for a few hours, played soccer and bathed in the beach with the children in one morning, I don’t understand why there was an extraordinary bond between us and the children. The children were sad when we had to return, their mouths filled with hope that we would soon return to Ninh Thuan and stay longer with them. Returning to Saigon, the children borrowed their parents’ phones to text their brothers and sisters, which really made us very happy, as if we were back in the green summer days.

4. Ninh Thuan food is more delicious for Vietnamese tourists

Maybe Ladakh and Ninh Thuan are similar in many ways as listed above, but one thing is certain and undeniable: for Vietnamese tourists, the food in Ninh Thuan is much better than the food in Ladakh. . This is obvious, but what is worth mentioning is the richness of the cuisine here. From street foods such as grilled rice paper, fruit, ice cream,… to fresh seafood dishes or specialty dishes such as goat, lamb, fish soup,… All are prepared extremely easily. Eat and suit your taste. Besides, the prices here are much cheaper than in Saigon, so when I return from this trip, Tip review will gain a few kilos.
In short, Ninh Thuan possesses a hidden beauty behind the harsh weather here. If compared to the paradise of Ladakh – India, this land of the South Central Coast is not inferior with its diverse vegetation, poetic scenery, rich cuisine and friendly, lovely people. From the bottom of my heart, Tip review advises you to plan a trip to this province to fully experience the beauty of Ninh Thuan and contribute a small part to promote Ninh Thuan’s further development.

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