Movie review The Gray Man: When Captain America is the villain

Duration: 122 minutes

Director: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo

Actors: Ryan Gosling, Chris Evans, Ana de Armas


Genre: Action, Drama, Adventure

Premiere: July 22, 2022
The movie topping the Netflix ratings list this week belongs to the spy action movie The Gray Man(s). The film stars La La Land actor Ryan Gosling, beautiful rose Ana de Armas and Captain America – Chris Evans. After reading many mixed reviews, Tip review also found a movie to watch and indeed I spent two extremely interesting and entertaining hours. Let’s join Tip Review to find out the good and bad things about this movie. Come on, let’s get started

Plot: Six – is the code name of a death row prisoner summoned by the CIA to perform secret missions. During a mission in which he was assigned to assassinate a dangerous man, Six accidentally learned that the victim was someone trained like him and held an extremely terrible secret. With that secret information in hand, Six becomes the target of the CIA’s hunt and must contend with Lloyd Hansen – an agent with extremely extreme and ruthless methods. How will this confrontation take place and what will be the result? Watch the movie to get your answer.
Overall, from Tip review’s perspective, The Gray Man is a movie you cannot miss if you want to have a relaxing evening and relieve stress after a hard day of studying and working. The film is extremely easy to watch and understand with eye-catching virtual action scenes staged throughout nearly 120 minutes of film time. The audience was swept away by the endless chases of the quality cast in both acting and appearance. Although there are still many minus points, the movie is really interesting to enjoy. Let’s review the strengths and weaknesses of The Gray Man with Tip to better understand the movie.

Plus mark:

As mentioned above, the most interesting point of The Gray Man is its extremely high entertainment factor. The movie is a combination of the spy movie genre like 007 mixed with a bit of Fast and Furious plus a bit of explosion from movies from Michael Bay. The film’s action segments are dense but very attractive and beautifully choreographed, giving the audience extremely satisfying moments of cinematic experience. The film’s plot is not meandering, gathering enough elements that are easy to watch, easy to understand and incorporates a few gentle plot twists but is still strong enough to make viewers unable to take their eyes off while enjoying the film.
The listening and viewing parts of The Gray Man further confirm that this is a film specializing in entertainment because these two elements are extremely well invested in by the film. The fighting, shooting, car racing, and explosions staged by the film are extremely eye-catching and create an impression as well as comfort in the hearts of the audience. The music complements the look extremely delicately, bringing a feeling of suspense, drama and indescribable attraction. Although the movie is quite long, viewers do not feel tired while watching. Instead, they want to see more of the adventures of agent Six and the beautiful spy Miranda.

Perhaps the reviewer is familiar with the main roles played by Chris Evans, especially Captain America with his resolute face, so with the villain role in The Gray Man, this handsome actor makes the reviewer extremely excited. surprised and delighted by the debauchery, deceitfulness and danger. His acting style is much more diverse and changing than his previous roles, but his dark beauty still remains unchanged. Not only that, other beauties in the movie including Ryan Gosling and Ana de Armas all make viewers immersed in every frame they appear. The actors all have a place to act and leave many impressions in the hearts of viewers.
The film’s message about family, human love as well as criticism of the corruption in the American government is quite frankly portrayed. The ending of The Gray Man may be controversial when the evil still exists and is not exposed, but this reflects reality relatively well, and opens up many directions to build sequels. The film quickly reached the top 1 most-watched film in Vietnam and other countries on the Netflix platform, showing great success and great potential to build sequels.

Minus point:

Surely many of you will agree that the biggest minus point of the movie is that The Gray Man’s plot lacks creativity and freshness. The film’s content is relatively simple, easy to predict and repeats the motifs of many other films of the same genre. Many viewers even commented that the film is trying to use action scenes to cover up the content’s shortcomings, but if you don’t put too much emphasis on logic, you will feel that what the film tells us is false. Just enough and emotionally satisfying.

Another minus point that Tip review noticed in The Gray Man is the construction of the main character’s image as a superhero. Agent Six can do things that only super heroes can do, especially his recovery ability and invulnerability are beyond compare. This makes the film fictitious, unrealistic and less convincing to the audience. Not to mention Ryan Gosling’s relatively monochrome facial expressions also make the male lead unattractive and less prominent in the eyes of viewers.

The effects of The Gray Man in many segments are somewhat virtual and still have the artificiality of computer graphics. Many of the film’s details are heavily contrived and some of the supporting actors’ performances have not shown the necessary naturalness and immersion. The emotional element of the film is not well exploited, so in addition to being highly entertaining, it is almost difficult for the audience to fully remember what happened during the 120 minutes of the film.

Assessment scale:

IMDB: 6.6/10 (63,000 reviews)
Google: 90/100
Rotten Tomatoes: 48/100 (Rotten Tomatoes)
Addictive review: 8.0/10 (Addictive)
In short, The Gray Man is a not-so-excellent movie, but from an entertainment perspective, Tip review extremely encourages you to watch it. Don’t have too high expectations about the movie, you will find the movie is not as bad as many people criticize, it is even very enjoyable and satisfying to enjoy. Netflix has a lot of action movies, but there are relatively few movies as exciting and dramatic as The Gray Man. Therefore, it is absolutely possible to spend an evening or a weekend to experience this exciting action movie!

And you, how do you rate this movie?

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